Paris Reflections takes its readers on six walking tours through the historic districts of Paris, where for more than two centuries, African-Americans have lived, worked, and created a rich and vibran
Paris Reflections takes its readers on six walking tours through the historic districts of Paris, where for more than two centuries, African-Americans have lived, worked, and created a rich and vibrant legacy of achievement in art, literature, science, business, sport, social reform, and other fields. From the last decades of the 18th century to the present, this legacy has been shaped by such people as Sally Hemings, Victor Séjour, Ada "Bricktop" Smith, Jack Johnson, Josephine Baker, Langston Hughes, Richard Wright, Sidney Bechet, and James Baldwin. Although an appendix provides basic travel information about arriving in and navigating Paris, most of the book is devoted to the six walking tours that, with the aid of simple and effective maps, lead the reader through those parts of the city with significant African-American history. On each tour, major chapters in the history of the district are sketched as context into which the African-American experience is given in greater detail. Separate sections provide listings of important dates for African-American history in Paris, thumbnail biographies of persons named in the text, and references for further exploration. Eight original full color illustrations and special pages for personal notes add a great appeal to this well-focused, clearly written, easy-to-use guide.
Anderson, a native of Baltimore, Maryland, lives and works in California as a professional illustrator and editor. She is founder and owner of Anderson Graphics, Inc.
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