About Us

Fitzhenry & Whiteside is a private, limited, family-owned corporation with deep roots in the North American publishing community. We are proud of the fact that many of our valued employees have been with the firm through thick and thin, as dedicated proponents of the house.  Fitzhenry & Whiteside has an active internship program, so new blood comes into the firm on a regular basis (this younger set has been particularly valuable in establishing a social media presence for the publishing arm of the business).

Fitzhenry & Whiteside takes this opportunity to thank our wide range of customers, be they trade, institutional, or personal, for their continued support of our publishing operation. We pay tribute to our authors, and to our agencies for making this firm what it is today.

Fitzhenry & Whiteside alone, and through its affiliated companies publishes or reprints some 100 books per year. The house specializes in history, biography, childrens’ fiction and non-fiction, young adult and mid-level readers, e-books, poetry, sports, reference, photographic titles, cookbooks, travel, and lifestyle books.

We aim to keep doing so for some time to come.



Note that Fitzhenry & Whiteside's Canadian Bibliographic Certification for our bibliographic data file is Gold as determined by BookNet Canada.