Jonathan Arid, a rebellious 17-year-old city boy, is sent to live with his uncle at a remote Arctic settlement on Baffin Island, a World away from his passion: leading and playing in a small jazz grou
Jonathan Arid, a rebellious 17-year-old city boy, is sent to live with his uncle at a remote Arctic settlement on Baffin Island, a World away from his passion: leading and playing in a small jazz group. Angry at his mother and relatives, he must come to terms with new ways - and with the harsh reality of an environment where one small mistake can mean certain death.
James Houston is the only three-time winner of the Canadian Library Association Book of the Year for Children Award. His young adult novels include The Falcon Bow, Black Diamonds, Frozen Fire, Songs of the Dream People, Ghost Paddle, Eagle Mask and Wolf Run. Born in Toronto, Houston is an accomplished author, illustrator, sculptor, filmmaker and Arctic naturalist. Houston travelled to the Arctic in 1948, and stayed there until 1962, living and working with the Inuit.
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