In this exquisitely wrought tale, young Van finds a walking stick at the foot of a huge teak tree. Blessed by Buddha, it becomes his talisman, his lifelong link to the past, and the support he will ne
In this exquisitely wrought tale, young Van finds a walking stick at the foot of a huge teak tree. Blessed by Buddha, it becomes his talisman, his lifelong link to the past, and the support he will need to carry him into the uncertain future. For when the winds of change blow, not even the deep forest of Vietnam remains safe. With the walking stick and his indomitable spirit, Van leads his family to safety and new land. Though the years pass in peace, the ever-present tap tapping of the brass-tipped walking stick is Van's constant reminder of the customs, voices, and land he will always remember with love.
When the stick's long odyssey is finally over, it is Van's granddaughter who carries it home and places it at Buddha's feet.
Maxine Trottier:A prolific writer and educator, Maxine Trottier makes history come alive in picture books and novels for young readers. Her award-winning titles include
Claire's Gift, The Paint Box, and
Prairie Willow. Maxine's books have earned the Canadian Library Association's Book of the Year, the Mr. Christie's Book Award and twice the Ontario Woman Teacher's Federation Writing Award. Born in Michigan, Maxine is a dual citizen of Canada and the U.S. and makes her home in Port Stanley, Ontario.
Annouchka Gravel Galouchko:
Born in Montreal, Annouchka Gravel Galouchko has lived with her family in Iran, Egypt, Mexico, and Austria. She trained in fine arts at the University of Quebec and started her career as a full-time painter. Her book "Sho et les dragons d'eau" received the Governor General's Literary Award for Children's Literature for its illustrations and was a finalist in the French text competition. Her fanciful and rich imagination is reflected in her paintings and her writings. She also loves music. Visit Annouchka's web site at
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