This is a print on demand book and is therefore non- returnable. This book deals with the epistemological problems of rationality and of theory construction in theology. Van Huyssteen analyz
This is a print on demand book and is therefore non- returnable. This book deals with the epistemological problems of rationality and of theory construction in theology. Van Huyssteen analyzes the principal models of rationality, examines the conceptual models of Wolfhart Pannenberg and Gerhard Sauter, and finally discusses the metaphoric nature of religious language and develops criteria for the structuring of a "critical- realist rationality model."
Philip Hefner
—Chicago Center for Religion and Science
"Professor van Huyssteen's book makes a fundamental contribution toward establishing the real knowledge content of Christian theology. Furthermore, he is pointing to new possibilities for resolving old problems and doing so in a way that avoids the blind alleys that beset the effort to articulate the rational content of faith."
Jerome A. Stone
—William Rainey Harper College
"Au courant with recent issues in theology, philosophy of science, and metaphor theory, van Huyssteen makes a strong case for the validity of theological truth claims. . . . A breath of fresh air after the malaise of deconstruction and relativism, this book puts solid theological meat on the bones of critical realism."
Hendrik Hart
— Institute for Christian Studies
"Van Huyssteen's book is unique in the Reformed tradition, because he faces the fact that theological waters flow through philosophical riverbeds whose mobile banks and shifting sands undermine the traditional image of stable orthodoxy. Even if we don't share his philosophy or subscribe to his theological style, our practice of systematic reflection on our faith will be enriched if we take time to struggle with this important text."
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J. Wentzel van Huyssteen is the James I. McCord Professor Emeritus of Theology and Science at Princeton Theological Seminary and in 2003 became the first South African and the first Princeton Seminary professor to deliver the prestigious Gifford Lectures.
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