This is a print on demand book and is therefore non- returnable. Paul Jewett, author of the creative and highly provocative book Man As Male and Female, here turns his critical attentio
This is a print on demand book and is therefore non- returnable. Paul Jewett, author of the creative and highly provocative book
Man As Male and Female, here turns his critical attention to the practice of infant baptism. Jewett does not accept the traditional "covenant" argument for baptizing infants, and this book explains why he believes this argument fails.
Infant baptism is not a subject which can be isolated. For, as Jewett would have his readers understand, one's view on this issue is integrally related to one's view of the sacraments in general and thereby to the whole doctrine of the church and salvation. Thus it is understandable that what appears to be a minor theological question has had such divisive effects on the church.
A discussion of the historical source of infant baptism begins Jewett's critique and introduces such issues as the distinction between infants and children, the silence of certain early church fathers on the subject, infant communion, and catechetical instruction.
The second and major portion of this book examines the theological issue, focusing specifically on the covenant argument, which suggests that baptism replaces circumcision as the sign of the covenant and thereby is given to infants. This argument, Jewett claims, fails to take into account the historical character of revelation, and contains certain contradictions.
Jewett concludes with a creative defense of believer baptism, one which is theologically responsible and which recognizes the profound truths of covenant theology.
John D. W. Watts
—Fuller Theological Seminary
"Paul Jewett has accurately seen that covenant theology, to be consistent with its essential emphasis on personal commitment and faith, must not only practice believer communion (which it does) but also believer baptism (which it does not). Dr. Jewett is judicious in his careful survey of history, responsible in sifting biblical evidence, and perceptive in recognizing the contemporary need for theological guidance on this matter."
Robert S. Paul
—Austin Presbyterian Theological Seminary
"A careful and provocative study of Reformed theology in relationship to one of the most perplexing legacies handed to us by the Reformers. . . . It is based on one of the most careful and comprehensive studies of biblical and theological evidence that I know."
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