Murphy sees three of the six books (Proverbs, Job, and Ecclesiastes) as being technically 'wisdom literature.' The others are either love poems or historical narrative that fit well within the
Murphy sees three of the six books (Proverbs, Job, and Ecclesiastes) as being technically 'wisdom literature.' The others are either love poems or historical narrative that fit well within the context of the subject presented here. In this volume previous form-critical work is carefully evaluated, and the result is a thorough-going form-critical treatment of this part of the Old Testament. The work is enhanced by bibliographies for each Old Testament book and a glossary of general terms.
Brevard Childs
"It is a happy day to welcome the appearance of the first volume in this long-awaited series. . . The work, done with Murphy's customary learning and good sense, offers a valuable perspective for the interpretation of the wisdom material and will serve many generations of students as a dependable guide."
Walter Brueggemann
" . . . Murphy's volume is the first in what promises to be an indispensable series. The entire series, and surely this volume, promises to be not only valuable, but an unavoidable starting point for future investigations. . . This book will be a helpful point of exploration for scholars. For beginning students, it will be a valuable point of entry into discussion. . . Our debt to Murphy is great."
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(1917–2002) Roland E. Murphy was George Washington Ivey Professor of Biblical Studies Emeritus at Duke University and adjunct professor of biblical studies at the Washington Theological Union.
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