Serve the Community of the Church, the second volume in the First-Century Christians in the Graeco- Roman World series, explores the nature of organization and leadership roles in the first-centu
Theology (UK)
"The main sections of the book are an excellent and accessible summary of a great deal of complex material, ranging from the place of the father in the Graeco-Roman household, the origin and functioning of the synagogue and the exercise of leadership (as then understood) by local leaders in the Pauline churches. . . This is an important study and a shot across the bows of those who want to push the importance of 'leadership' in today's Christian communities."
Theological Studies
"This is a welcome addition to an excellent series. . . As a whole it is an excellent contribution to the study of Paul's leadership, and it has strong ecumenical implications, since its best chapters are those dedicated to leadership in Jewish synagogues and to Pauline ministry within the Christian community. Clarke's book can be highly recommended for courses on Pauline literature and ecclesiology."
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Andrew D. Clarke is senior lecturer in New Testament at the University of Aberdeen, Scotland.
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