How can we believe in God and develop a healthy sense of self and of our enduring value in a world so often troubling, uncertain, and dark? When Faith Is Not Enough is a creative, honest dis
How can we believe in God and develop a healthy sense of self and of our enduring value in a world so often troubling, uncertain, and dark? When Faith Is Not Enough is a creative, honest discussion of doubt and the search for meaning that avoids pat answers while offering — to readers from all walks of life — positive reasons for persisting in the quest for faith.
The first section of the book, "The Shadow of a Doubt," takes the reality of doubt (and doubters) seriously. Clark helps readers to understand faith in a deeper way, presents a powerful case for the existence of God, offers hope for understanding the problem of God and human suffering, suggests positive ways for dealing with doubt, and affirms the excitement of embracing the adventure of life.
The second section of the book, "Searching for a Self," is a reflection on the meaning of life. Here Clark examines our most profound attempts to find meaning, happiness, and wholeness and shows why they lead to despair, sadness, and brokenness. Revisiting important themes in the writings of Kierkegaard and others, Clark explores the attempt to create a self of abiding value and shows that it is only through faith in God that our true selves are found and our deepest desires satisfied.
Anglican Theological Review
"Kelly James Clark's study of the place of doubt in faith is both stimulating and instructive. . . It is a book that should be widely appreciated by parish study groups. It is clear and concise about basic Christian faith. It includes a range of helpful illustrations to make its points — from the author's storehouse of personal experiences to the world of the saints, ancient and modern. . . When used in a parish setting, where participants are part of a worshiping community, the book possesses so much valuable and clearly written material that it should encourage fruitful discussion of the Church's apologetic role today."
"He writes very intelligently and every bit as accessibly, seamlessly weaving together personal anecdotes, literary citations, and biblical interpretation. . . His book will speak eloquently to struggling believers turned off by gleaming televangelists and infallible pronouncements."
CBA Marketplace
"Well-reasoned and inviting treatise. . . A rich, satisfying book ideal for Christians, seeking a thoughtful discussion of faith and doubt. This would be superb for baby boomer and buster study groups."
Lewis B. Smedes
"Superb, in every way fine, a nice read — as 'they' say — and ever so luminous. I have learned a lot from it, want to consult it and recommend it."
Provident Book Finder
"This is a vital topic, probed honestly and presented in a straightforward and lucid style."
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Kelly James Clark is senior research fellow at the Kaufman Interfaith Institute at Grand Valley State University; his many other books include Written to Be Heard, Return to Reason, and When Faith Is Not Enough.
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