When was the last time you heard a sermon on the theological importance of play? What do rest, eating, studying -- and sex -- have to do with the Kingdom of God? Strangely, although these activities t
When was the last time you heard a sermon on the theological importance of play? What do rest, eating, studying -- and sex -- have to do with the Kingdom of God? Strangely, although these activities together take up much of our time, they seldom receive much discussion from a biblical point of view.
In The Rest of Life Ben Witherington explores these subjects in the light of biblical teaching about the Kingdom of God and the Christian hope for the future. He shows why and how all the normal activities of life should be done to the glory of God and for the edification of others. Focusing as it does on practical, everyday matters in an accessible style, this topical study is ideal for both individual reading and small-group discussion.
Modern Believing
"Witherington's style is an appealing mixture of the chatty, the anecdotal, and in-depth biblical exegesis. . . . Worthwhile."
R. Paul Stevens
— author of Work Matters: Lessons from Scripture
"This latest creation of Ben Witherington is a delicious blend of research in Scripture and conversations with theological partners. . . . Witherington makes a unique contribution to the biblical understanding of everyday themes by rooting his discussion in the Kingdom of God. He gives us bifocal lenses so we can look at life both close-up, as it is now, and as it will become in the fullness of God's lovely reign. This is an invigorating book, a delight to read."
Clayton L. Smith
— United Methodist Church of the Resurrection, Leawood, Kansas
"This timely book by Ben Witherington is all about 'life appreciation' from a biblical and eschatological view. The Rest of Life is a most relevant book for small-group discussion. An added bonus to me is Witherington's fair critique of other contemporary and popular writers. He challenges and enhances our daily life experiences, which, strangely enough, seldom receive detailed theological and ethical discussion. Witherington calls us to be better stewards of the rest of our life!"
The Bible Today
"Written in an accessible style, this book provides its readers with a lot of thoughtful and practical wisdom."
"Unique blend of scholarship and light-hearted observations, crisply stated, on topics of abiding interest."
Religious Herald
"Witherington leads us to a truly lived spirituality, where the entirety of our days, our energies and our pursuits discover meaning in God's kingdom."
Presbyterian Outlook
"Whether you pick up this book to read on your own, or gather a Sunday School class, book group or pastors' study group for discussion, the time spent doing so will be worthwhile."
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