I’m being pulled in a thousand different directions. As a therapist, Chuck DeGroat hears that line all the time. “I hear it from students and software developers,” he says. “I
I’m being pulled in a thousand different directions.
As a therapist, Chuck DeGroat hears that line all the time. “I hear it from students and software developers,” he says. “I hear it from spiritual leaders and coffee baristas. And I hear it from my own inner self.”
We all feel that nasty pull to and fro, the frantic busyness that exhausts us and threatens to undo us. And we all think we know the solution — more downtime, more relaxation, more rest. And we’re all wrong.
As DeGroat himself has discovered, the real solution to what pulls us apart is wholeheartedness, a way of living and being that can transform us from the inside out. And that’s what readers of this book will discover too.
Micha Boyett
— author of Found: A Story of Questions, Grace, and Everyday Prayer
“Chuck DeGroat blends psychology, theology, and poetry in a way that embraces the wisdom of both ancient and contemporary spiritual teachers. I believe his writing will do for you what it has done for me — provoke and encourage and push you past the scarcity of anxiety and performance, and into a fuller, more beautiful life of faith.”
Steve Brown
— author of Three Free Sins: God’s Not Mad at You
“Another great book from Chuck. His other books have made a difference in my life; this one came just in time to salvage this old cynical preacher from almost giving up on ever finding healing in this busy world. It will do the same for you. Read it and rejoice!”
John Ortberg
— author of All the Places to Go . . . How Will You Know?
“Chuck DeGroat has a deep commitment to living a life of wholeness. . . . There is life in his words.”
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Chuck DeGroat is an experienced Christian counselor, a pastor, and associate professor of pastoral care and counseling at Western Theological Seminary in Holland, Michigan. He’s also the author of Toughest People to Love: How to Understand, Lead, and Love the Difficult People in Your Life — Including Yourself.
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