What is it like to discover that something you’ve believed all your life might be wrong? Sally Gary knew since her early adulthood that she was attracted to women. But as a devoted Christi
“Sally Gary loves God and loves the church, and this memoir is an undeniable testament to that fact. In it, she poignantly chronicles her many years of faithful discernment that have led her to change her mind about same-sex relationships. By sharing her story with such thoughtfulness and grace, she invites other Christians to join her in rethinking their views while holding fast to the love of Jesus and the truth of the Bible. Her words will open countless hearts, bring healing to those who are hurting, and help build up the church’s witness for future generations.”
— Matthew Vines
author of God and the Gay Christian: The Biblical Case in Support of Same-Sex Relationships
“This is a powerful read—not only for Christians who want to better understand the LGBTQ community, but for anyone wanting to rekindle their faith. A few chapters in, I thought I was reading a simple, folksy memoir of growing up in the Churches of Christ. By the end, I had tears in my eyes. In a world that increasingly sees Christians as hypocrites and homophobes, Sally’s story is just what we need to remind us of what drew so many of us to Jesus in the first place.”
— Justin Lee
author of Torn: Rescuing the Gospel from the Gays-vs.-Christians Debate
“Faith and sexuality have been explored, debated, and affirmed since the creation. This has always been a difficult discussion. Answers are not always easy. I have known Sally Gary for nearly twenty years. She has been—and still is—deeply committed to faith, Scripture, and the church. In sync with the same spirit she has demonstrated all these years, I recommend this vital work. Sally does not demand agreement, but she appeals for understanding—for a hearing of her personal journey as a gay Christ-follower and as a member of his body, the church.”
— Don McLaughlin
senior minister of North Atlanta Church of Christ
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Sally Gary is founder and executive director of CenterPeace, a nonprofit organization that has been helping churches and families have Christ-like conversations about faith and sexuality since 2006. She is also the author of Loves God, Likes Girls.
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Table of Contents
Part One: Practicing Hospitality
1. Faith Roots
2. Welcoming the Stranger
3. Looking in the Mirror and Seeing the Stranger
4. The Birth of CenterPeace
Part Two: Interpreting Scripture
5. The Spirit of the Law
6. What’s in a Translation?
7. Embracing Mystery
8. Overcoming Fear to Find Truth
Part Three: Embracing Covenant
9. What Healing Looks Like for Me
10. “It’s Not Good for Man to Be Alone”
11. Covenant
Part Four: Inviting the Church to Make a Difference
12. Loving the Samaritan
13. Saving the Next Generation
14. Why I Stay
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