An invitation to the Christian faith for the bored, the distracted, and the spiritually hungry Why is the gospel worth living for? Why is it worth dying for? In these l
“Rule number one in sharing the Christian faith with young people: don’t patronise. Assume they are morally serious and intellectually curious; that they are in search of a structure that will carry the weight of their anxieties, passions, and imaginative energy. And if you start from that sort of point, the book you might well want to put into their hands is something very like this one—clear, respectful, challenging, candid, gracious.”
—Rowan Williams, 104th Archbishop of Canterbury
“In this little book, East teaches about the gospel—he catechizes. But its epistolary format allows what could seem tiresome or didactic to become conversational and approachable. These letters tell the story of Jesus in many ways, from many different angles, and with a lightness of touch. They also convey what it might feel like to be a Christian and to think about the world in light of the story of Jesus. If you are someone who cares about young people or those of any age finding their way in the spiritual life—if you care about future saints—read this book and share it with others.”
—Tish Harrison Warren, author of Liturgy of the Ordinary and Prayer in the Night
“The letters that Brad East writes here are signed, ‘Yours in Christ, a fellow pilgrim,’ and that tells you most of what you need to know about this wonderful book. It’s a warmhearted, clear-sighted account of life ‘in Christ,’ not pronounced from on high, but narrated by someone a little farther along the Way than the young people it’s addressed to. This is a book to give to many of those pilgrims near the outset of their journey.”
—Alan Jacobs, Baylor University
“Sometimes catechisms seem to emphasize truth at the expense of life. The parroting back of doctrinal answers to posed questions, while often valuable, can be dangerous for those tempted to think of Christianity as the mastery of syllogisms rather than as the Way of the Cross. In this book, Brad East takes us along as he guides a young pilgrim in the path that is Jesus. Reading this will help you see your own faith with fresh eyes and will prompt you to be not just a disciple but a discipler.”
—Russell Moore, editor in chief, Christianity Today
“Brad East does not cease to astound. This book is both spiritual meditation and pocket catechism—it instructs as it inspires, and its contents explain Christianity in a way both simple and profound. This is the kind of book to spread around everywhere: airports, homes, churches, used bookstores, universities, and so on. Professor East has something important to teach each one of us!”
—Matthew Levering, Mundelein Seminary
“In this time of widespread unclarity, Brad East’s insightful letters help us see what being a Christian might look like. A fascinating book that helps us see the fascinating character of our faith.”
—Stanley Hauerwas, Duke University
“A personal, readable, informed, and confident exposition of the Christian faith—so confident, in fact, that it starts and ends with an invitation to martyrdom in the service of Christ! East’s unwillingness to make Christ into a founder of a ‘religion of comfortableness’ (Nietzsche) is admirable.”
—Miroslav Volf, Yale Divinity School
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Brad East is associate professor of theology at Abilene Christian University. He is also the author of The Church: A Guide to the People of God, The Church’s Book: Theology of Scripture in Ecclesial Context, and The Doctrine of Scripture. His essays have been published in numerous academic journals as well as The Christian Century, Christianity Today, Commonweal, First Things, The Los Angeles Review of Books, The Point, and more.
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Table of Contents
Part One: God Brings Life through Death
Part Two: God Calls a Special People
Part Three: God Creates the Heavens and the Earth
Part Four: God Creates Human Beings
Part Five: Sin Corrupts the Life of Creation
Part Six: Death Opposes the Life of Creation
Part Seven: God Becomes a Human Being
Part Eight: God Offers Himself for the World
Part Nine: God Pours Himself into His People
Part Ten: God Gives Life to His People
Part Eleven: God Makes His People Holy
Part Twelve: God Makes All Things New
Notes and Resources
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