Multi-Language Books

We have a large number of books that have been published in multiple languages. Most of these are English and French with many in English and a native language, like Cree.

In this category we have focused on books with at least 4 language versions published. Most are english and one other language. The languages include French, Spanish, Arabic, Chinese, Vietnamese, Russian and many native North American languages.

Multi-Language books

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  • The Other Bears : Spanish - English

    Author Michael Thompson Illustrated by Michael Thompson

    $9.95 ISBN: 9781595726452 Binding: Trade Paper Publisher: Star Bright Books Inc. Publication Date: 2014-10-15
  • The Other Bears : Spanish

    Author Michael Thompson Illustrated by Michael Thompson

    $9.95 ISBN: 9781595726643 Binding: Trade Paper Publisher: Star Bright Books Inc. Publication Date: 2014-10-15
  • The Other Bears : Portuguese English

    Author Michael Thompson Illustrated by Michael Thompson

    $9.95 ISBN: 9781595726704 Binding: Trade Paper Publisher: Star Bright Books Inc. Publication Date: 2014-10-29
  • The Other Bears : Chinese - English

    Author Michael Thompson Illustrated by Michael Thompson

    $9.95 ISBN: 9781595726711 Binding: Trade Paper Publisher: Star Bright Books Inc. Publication Date: 2014-10-29
  • The Other Bears : Arabic - English

    Author Michael Thompson Illustrated by Michael Thompson

    $9.95 ISBN: 9781595726728 Binding: Trade Paper Publisher: Star Bright Books Inc. Publication Date: 2014-10-29
  • Animal Colors : English

    Author Brian Wildsmith Illustrated by Brian Wildsmith

    $6.95 ISBN: 9781595721181 Binding: Board Books Publisher: Star Bright Books Inc. Publication Date: 2014-09-12
  • Farm Animals : English

    Author Brian Wildsmith Illustrated by Brian Wildsmith

    $6.95 ISBN: 9781595721198 Binding: Board Books Publisher: Star Bright Books Inc. Publication Date: 2014-09-12
  • Animals To Count : English

    Author Brian Wildsmith Illustrated by Brian Wildsmith

    $6.95 ISBN: 9781595721280 Binding: Board Books Publisher: Star Bright Books Inc. Publication Date: 2014-09-12
  • Animal Colors : Spanish

    Author Brian Wildsmith Illustrated by Brian Wildsmith

    $6.95 ISBN: 9781595721303 Binding: Board Books Publisher: Star Bright Books Inc. Publication Date: 2017-04-27
  • Opposites : English

    Author Brian Wildsmith Illustrated by Brian Wildsmith

    $6.95 ISBN: 9781595721396 Binding: Board Books Publisher: Star Bright Books Inc. Publication Date: 2014-09-12
Showing 181 - 190 of 205